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Let’s cultivate your quality of life

As physical therapists, we offer a unique set of skills that go beyond the typical “stretch this muscle, do this exercise” routine. We investigate deeper into the root of the problem, analyze your movement quality and quantity, and craft a customized plan with you that blends treatment and at-home exercise to meet your goals.

Unlocking results through movement

Our bodies are complex, yet very durable and capable. We bring our orthopedic expertise to a one-on-one approach that enables us to truly listen to your biggest challenges and goals, properly identify the problem and the root causes, and partner with you for meaningful results.

We specialize in both treating and managing pain,  improving strength and movement quality, and enhancing your performance. Ethos welcomes clients of all ages and all goals – from working with youth athletes to helping those in their 80s maintain their quality of life.

Whether you're healing from a recent injury, seeking relief from an existing condition or looking to prioritize your health with injury prevention, we are here to help you. We will work with you to achieve your goals through an individualized treatment plan centered around you! 


How it works

Our initial consultation is a thorough evaluation, so we can fully understand what you're experiencing and how life factors may be contributing to your injury.


Dr. Matt Veronica, PT, DPT, CSCS

“It’s exciting to watch faces light up as someone starts to understand how their body works.” 

Matt enjoys working with all his clients for different reasons, but his favorite conditions to address are the types that don’t have an obvious explanation at the start; he likes the challenge of having to do some thorough detective work first to solve them. Matt loves teaching people about anatomy and biomechanics – not in too complex of a way, but in a way that is helpful for getting them to understand their injury and to see the relevance behind our strategies of healing it. 


Prior to earning his Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from D’Youville University, Matt became a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist while working for the Buffalo Bills. He has practiced in the private realm of physical therapy since 2015 and created Ethos in 2020. In 2024, he became a professor at a chiropractic school after eight years of guest lecturing in graduate programs and at conferences.

Dr. Zach Klapp, PT, DPT

“The most joy comes from teaching clients how to heal their bodies through movement and exercise.”

Zach’s diverse background in athletics has helped him gain an impressive arsenal of treatment and training strategies that enhance sports performance and help him relate to the athletes he works with. He enjoys working with clients who want to understand more about their body and are invested in their goals. Working with clients ranging from 16-year-old hockey players to national-level powerlifters, Zach’s favorite type of physical therapy session is when he’s able to teach how to properly coordinate breathing and show how that influences body positioning or regulates stress levels.

Zach graduated from D’Youville University in 2019 with a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree with a Bachelor's in Exercise Science. He began his career working in two specialties of physical therapy: sports orthopedic and neurological rehabilitation. Zach’s background includes working with people who experience lower back, neck, shoulder and hip pain, as well as other orthopedic problems. His neurological specialties include Parkinson’s, post-concussion and vestibular rehabilitation. 

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